The Premier Inn Aldgate is a 250 bedroomed hotel forming part of the Goodman’s Fields development. The hotel is accessed from Alle Street and forms half of the North West Block, containing 182 flats, a leisure club and ground floor retail areas. The hotel contains a range of rooms, from premier suites located on the building’s corners with extensive floor to ceiling glazing and spectacular views, to regular bedrooms with roll away mattresses for a spacious area. The rooms are acoustically insulated to high standards and air-conditioned to limit external nouse from nearby Leman Street. The reception contains traditional and express check-in with adjacent meeting, bar and restaurant facilities. The ground floor common areas are operated from the hotel rooms about by secure access to the lifts and stairwells, activated by the room card. Heating and hot water are supplied from energy efficient central plant that serves the whole development, which is traffic free to allow for landscaping and sculptural features. All servicing for the hotel is consequently via the basement including deliveries of line, restaurant and bar supplies together with refuse removal and plant servicing. Parking bays are provided in the basement for group arrivals, together with a basement reception lobby and cycle parking for both guests and staff.