First constructed in the 1950’s, a former office block has been converted from a thirteen storey tower and two storey podium, to now provide forty six private apartments, thirteen affordable dwellings, together with commercial use throughout the grounds and first floors.
The tower was stripped of its facade whilst the perimeter structure has been remodelled to allow larger glazed areas. Two extra floors have been added and the podium stripped away. This has successful formed a tall, slender hexagonal tower, reclad in a visual latticework of GRC sculptural forms and storey height glazing, with terracotta baguettes.
A new separate podium block, extending the lower street existing massing, provides additional affordable accommodation over four floors. The new central landscaped courtyard, with a Living Wall feature, separates the two forms whilst the existing basement houses support spaces including an energy centre, refuse and cycle stores, as well as disabled parking.