Phase 2, the Blackheath Quarter, faces onto the new Kidbrooke Park. Together with
Phase 2a, planning permission has been achieved for 540 new homes, including apartment
blocks and terraced housing. The introduction of dual aspect, courtyard and mews house
typologies has helped provide higher density accommodation, without resorting to a flatted
development. By providing a range of medium density housing configurations with a strong
relationship to the new green space for recreation and ecology, the design promotes an
inherently stable and sustainable future community.
Houses and apartments are designed to achieve a Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4.
Renewable technologies including biomass boiler plant and solar hot water generation have
been incorporated into the scheme to achieve this requirement.
A ‘wet’ swale (series of small lakes) has been designed and integrated into the park to
provide both a habitat for wildlife and to provide surface water retention across this and
future phases on the site.